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Messages - Lrn2Go

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Events / 03/31/12 - Stroud Showdown (Drifting with Friction Motorsports)
« on: February 20, 2012, 04:48:46 pm »
When: March 31st
Where: 300 Tanger Dr. Stroud, Ok
Time: Gates open @ 10:00 AM for public
DRivers: Gates open at 8:30 AM
Pit Meeting @ 9:00 AM
Racing starts @ 10 AM
Pit passes for spectators are $10
Spectator fee is $5
Drifting is $60 pre registered
$70 at the gate

-Old Info Below-

This is no longer at Crossroads mall! It's been moved to Stroud, Ok and now on the 31st! Details in the thread.
"If you have the skills and a car, come out to Crossroads mall on March 18th and lay rubber on virgin drifting grounds. Don't miss out on this season by sitting in the stands again. Get you car ready and join us as we break ground on one our new drifting venues for this years drifting season. We have new sponsors and gifts to be given. Join Blu Energy, Audio Extreme, Fasking Performance, Deatch Werks, Carers Auto, Spartan Motorsorts, Wheel Works, RockAuto, Oreillys, Benders Exhaust, Kenda Tires and Friction Motorsports."

Location: Crossroads Mall


Events / 03/11/12 - shOKC Meet at Pole Position Raceway.
« on: February 20, 2012, 04:37:59 pm »

Events / 04/21/12 - Cup Cake Meet 13: Oklahoma City
« on: February 20, 2012, 04:32:46 pm »
Friction Motorsports hosts the next CCM:13 meet in OKC at Crossroads Mall on April 21st. We will have drifting, cars, girls, and possibly a live band playing at the event. If you have attended any of the OCIDE, STANCE NATION, TWISTED ILLUSIONS, IFO, OKSTANCE, or SHOKC meetings, this is the place to be.

Bring your ride and show your pride! Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas, what will you do on April 21st?

Event starts at 2pm... and it's gonna get stupid! Plan to meet an hour early and roll out as a group!

Rules and Information / Forum Terms of Use
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:14:29 pm »
Below are some simple rules and guidelines that you are required to know and obey as a member of OCIDE Forums. We require these rules for the security and status of the board and for your own safety. Your cooperation with these rules will help us keep the board a fun place to visit. Please visit us often as we enjoy your presence and input.

By viewing our forums you have agreed to the following rules:

This or any "not work safe" material is strictly prohibited at this time. Posting, requesting, linking to, and/or trading of such will lead to being banned. There are also borderline sites and/or pictures which we choose to ban; if you post one of these, the post will be deleted, do not repeat or you will be banned. If you find a thread that contains pornography, it should be reported to one of the moderators by private messaging.

The forum has people from many walks of life. People's religion, race, political beliefs, age, sexual preference, etc., vary immensely. Please be mature and caring towards others. Offenders will receive one warning only and failure to comply after that will result in being banned. If you have a personal problem with someone on the forum resolve it by private messaging. - NOT on this forum. Racial slurs will not be tolerated.

Do not post your or others personal information (phone numbers) especially IP addresses. Apart from anything else, this is for board security and your security. Of course this does not include posting your e-mail/homepage address.

Please post your topics in the appropriate forums. This makes it easier for all members as well as the forum staff. Failure to do so will results in warnings. Multiple warnings will result in a ban.

Please use the search function before posting or asking a question. It is a much more efficient and quicker way of getting your question answered. Another reason is to reduce the amount of duplicate posts and to conserve some server space.

Do not post any meaningless, roll call posts, or any posts that is a waste of server resources and bandwidth. Select forums (i.e. Off Topic) and select threads may be alloted for "post whoring," but the posts from such threads will (and the threads themselves may) be purged from time to time.

Any harassment of other members will not be tolerated. Name calling, picking fights, etc. Do not make posts that incite arguments, or any post that turns to arguments and flame wars, etc. Posts of this nature will not be tolerated and can result in the immediate closing, deletion, or editing of the post and the banishment of the posting members account. Any insults or harassments towards staff members, including board ownership, will result in instant banishment.

Please keep signature sizes down whether it be picture(s) or text. For pictures please keep it below 50KB and at a reasonable resolution. Signatures load on every post, so having a large one will take the page to load longer (especially for those on dial-up). Any controversial signatures, whether graphical or text-based, may be removed without notice at the moderation board's discretion. Maximum size for a signature image is 675x155 pixels

Do not post anything "for sale" if it is not yours. Examples of such include videos, photographs, literature, software, or anything subject to copyright laws. This includes requests and links to downloads of copyrighted material(s). Soliciting for paid services and subscriptions are also not allowed on this forum. For instance, Carfax requests are one such example that is not allowed here.

Do not post the same or similar thread in multiple forums. This waste server space and is ridiculous. Post your thread in one place only. It will be seen. Also please refrain from posts of a "spam" nature, e.g. posts for free iPods requiring other users to sign-up. Such threads/posts will be closed (or deleted) and the poster may be banned at a moderator's discretion.

When a post is locked or deleted or when member account is suspended and/or banned, it is for a justified reason. Do NOT make another post in continuation of the locked/deleted posts or your account is subject to being banned. Do NOT make a new post demanding explanation of why a post was locked or deleted. If you would like explanation of a closed or deleted post, PM one of the moderators.

The "Private Classifieds" forum is for private sellers offering the sale of individual items. It is NOT for any person, company or business of any size or type (including salvage yards and used parts companies) to sell merchandise of any retail nature or to make a profit. Any company attempting to sell multiple quantities of items or in a retail nature without being a sponsor of this site is subject to being banned.

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Warnings are issued for misbehaviors or for violations of the above TOU rules. These strikes carry on to all usernames of the same person. Same goes for banishment; when a person is banned, all of their existing usernames are banned as well. There are ways to track usernames of the same person.

Due to safety and legality concerns, street racing threads posted anywhere on this site are prohibited. Users that post street racing threads will be warned for the first infraction and then banned for any following infractions. This does NOT include any legal form of racing, or where the "laws of the land" in which the discussion is taking place were not broken. reserves the right to change these rules at any time and the staff's word is final.

If you receive an e-mail/private message from a "Moderator" addressing behavioral issues please don't take it as a personal attack. The Staff of are here to assist with making this site run smoothly and this means from time to time Staff may offer corrective suggestions and/or advice.

Rules as stated above apply to ALL forums within the Forums community however, certain forums contain rules in ADDITION to those set out above. You must also adhere to the individual rules (if they exist) when you post in that particular forum. They will be found directly below this announcement...

Please feel free to report any posts that you feel are in violation of the terms set forth. Use the "Report this Post to a Moderator" method or  a moderator you see online. Either way is acceptable and appreciated.
In short, any unsuitable attitudes here lack in common sense will be violation of the rules. Any violations could end up banning you from this board and also from "the system"!!

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and familiarize yourself with our forum rules, policies and guidelines. And thank you for your cooperation regarding changes in the rules.

Rules and Information / Official Trophy Rules
« on: February 20, 2012, 02:42:10 am »
OKC Sheriff's Track:
  • Drivers (defined as an "active member") are only eligible to win the trophy under the following conditions:
  • You must be an active member of OCIDE. This is defined as attending regular Saturday events, displaying the official club sticker on your car (unless somehow impossible or against a racing regulation), contributing in the group Facebook page and/or forum, and being present (when possible) for activities where OCIDE is representing itself as a "group"/club.
  • If the "Trophy Holder" is present: 2 drivers at a timed event, or 3+ and an untimed event. Any less than this is considered "practice".
  • If the "Trophy Holder" is not present: 3+ drivers (timed or untimed). Any less than this is considered "practice".
  • The winner of the trophy is the one that has the fastest recorded lap (including any and all penalties) at the OKC Sheriff's Track, at the end of a "Track Day".
  • The "Trophy Holder" is expected to arrive at the track day with the trophy and attempt to defend their title. If they cannot be present or choose not to be, the "Trophy Holder" will be expected to relinquish the trophy before the event to an Admin or other member who will be attending the event. If the track day passes without eligibility being met, the trophy is returned to the original "Trophy Holder" and the title remains theirs.
  • If an official timing device is not present (such as the Z club events), 2-3 members are elected to be the offical "time-keepers" and manually track lap times. When possible, at least 2 "time keepers" will compare lap times that they tracked and "split the difference" to form the "official" lap times for the driver. When a "time keeper" is due to race, one of the elected drivers NOT racing will step in as their replacement. We're using the "honor system" here... so time keepers will be expected to be un-biased.
  • If no official timing device is present, striking any cone will count as a 2 second penalty per cone. Since not everyone can see the whole track all the time, if you know you hit a cone, please try to report it. The non-driving members are ultimately in charge of tracking penalties however.
  • At the end of the year, the driver/member with the most wins/defends of the "Trophy Holder" status will be rewarded the title as OCIDE's "Fastest - OKC Sheriff's Track" for that year, and recieve a special trophy that is their's to keep.

If there is any dispute about any of these rules, an Admin will settle it and has the final say. This includes but is not limited to eligibility, "Active Member" status, track times, tie-breaking, etc.

Rules and Information / "Club" Membership
« on: February 20, 2012, 02:32:38 am »
O.C.I.D.E. - O.klahoma's C.ollective of I.mport and D.omestic E.nthusiasts
OCIDE is a car club of car enthusiasts (all makes and models), based on Oklahoma. We invite anybody with a passion for cars, regardless of what they currently drive ("beater", "slab", "Low rider", muscle, import, tuner, domestic, etc, etc), to join us in our many events, cruises, or activities. We combine forces with other car clubs for events including (but not limited to) the Oklahoma Z Car Club and Porsche clubs for Track Days at the Sheriff's track (and hopefully soon... Hallet), Nismokc and the "drift" scene when we can... and attend car shows and other events held by any number of clubs or groups.
As much fun as we try to have, and as accomodating as we try to be to all the different styles of cars and people, we do have a few rules and regulations.
  • Don't be a douche. If you have any questions or concerns about your "douche status", please contact an Admin. If you're having a bad time hanging out with us, feel free to leave on your own accord. If you choose not to leave and your douche-dragon cannot be contained... you will be asked to leave, and removed from the group.
  • All "new" members are on a "Trial Status" until we get a chance to meet you (and to give them a chance to see is this is something they're interested in participating in). We do weekly meets and we require new members to come out usually within a month. After we've had a chance to meet you, we will decide as a group if we think you're a fit, or not. If you cannot (or do not plan to) come out to one of our events in this time frame, you will be removed from the group.
  • All active members are highly encouraged to come out at least once a month. We are not just an "internet forum" in that all we do is post pictures and chat. This club is based on participation, and that's what helps promote us all as a group. Any member who does not make an effort to come out from time to time will be subject to review, and possible removal from the Facebook group and forum.
  • All current members are highly encouraged to display the club sticker on their vehicles. While it is not a requirement for membership, it is a requirement to be eligible for prizes, trophies, and/or any other club-sanctioned "reward" and/or "perk". (Stickers are $10 for your first, $5 for each additional, and available from Ryan Potter)
  • No "bashing/hating/dissing/whatever" other members vehicles. Some joking comradery is expected and tolerated, but because we strive to not be biased for a particular brand, make, or design of vehicle... you may be asked to keep yourself in check if it gets out of hand. We all have our own preferences in what kind of vehicle and it's styling that we like, but if you want to be part of OCIDE, you need to accept that others preferences may just be different, and all of us should support them and let them do their thing.
  • Any previously active member who cannot attend meets due to health, deployment status, or having moved outside of an area that would permit them to attend events are allowed to maintain their Facebook-group access and are welcome to continue to post (at an Admin's discretion). In the event of having moved, you are no longer considered an "active member" for eligibility of prizes, trophies, or awards unless specifically permitted.

These, of course, are subject to change as we grow and evolve, but that should just about cover it. As usual, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact an Administrator for further information.

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