Author Topic: 2014 - BMW Club Sheriff's Track Schedule  (Read 1120 times)


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2014 - BMW Club Sheriff's Track Schedule
« on: February 21, 2014, 01:52:32 pm »
The BMW Club of Oklahoma provides a very technical Auto X track out at the OKC Sheriff's Track.

OCIDE members have had a mixed experience when it comes to attending these events! - The "general" consensus is that many people have felt "looked down on" for not driving a BMW (or lacking experience) and not felt very welcome... but if you're looking for more seat time, this might be something worth dealing with.

These dates will not be added to the official calendar.

Location: OKC Sheriff's Track (4001 N Air Depot, Oklahoma City, OK 73145 United States)
Cost: $30
Type: Technical AutoX/Autocross, single pass (4 passes per heat, 2 heats, 8 total), single-car, timed.

September     21st

The following is their rules and guidelines for the track. In general it's similar, again, the the Porsche clubs setup... but just in case you want to read it...


Our events are held at the Oklahoma County Sheriff's training facility locate at:

4001 N. Air Depot Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73141



  • Unsafe behavior will not be tolerated. Anyone violating this rule will be asked to immediately leave the premises and will forfeit registration fees.
  • No alcohol or drugs are permitted on the premises, including during course setup and registration, run sessions, fun runs, and course breakdown.
  • No pets are allowed under any circumstances - No exceptions.
  • Sunbelt Chapter autocross events run RAIN OR SHINE. In the event that severe weather causes the cancellation of an event (ice, snow, tornado, etc), every effort will be made to notify attendees. In the event that lightning occurs in the area during an event, all participants will be encouraged to take shelter for 15-30 minutes.


  • Registration is handled on site the morning of the event.
  • Our events are open to everyone however,  BMWCCA membership is required. Licensed minors 16 years and older may participate in the event only with written parental consent. If the parent will not be not on site, confirmation of permission must be made by downloading and printing the minor waiver IN COLOR.  Parents will need to sign the waiver and have it notarized and the minor participant must bring it to the event and present it to the event chairperson. Minors under 16 may only ride in a vehicle owned and driven by their parent during fun runs (if conducted).
  • All persons present at the event must sign a release waiver. Minors (under 18) must have a minor waiver signed by parent or guardian.
  • All participants must submit their vehicle for Technical Inspection prior to the drivers meeting. Autocross committee members will assist their guests with tech inspection to ensure their car can be safely driven on the course.
  • All participants must attend the drivers meeting. This meeting, led by the Event Chairperson, lasts about 10 minutes and addresses:
  • Safety of all participants and bystanders – on and off the course
  • Corner workers’ responsibilities (e.g., when to use red flags, proper 2-way radio operation, calling in time penalties for knocked down cones)
  • Heat running order
  • Course overview and Q&A
  • All participants must be available to work during the entire event, at the Event Chairperson's direction. If you are unable to work your assigned time slots, please check with the Event Chairperson. Failure to work the event will result in a disqualification of all runs completed that day and a potential invitation not to return.
  • “Fun Runs” (if time permits, and approved by the Event Chairperson) will be held after the formal event is completed.
  • Refund policy. A refund will only be issued prior to the start of the assigned heat. Once wheels are in motion there are no refunds.


  • A Snell M-2005/SA-2005 or newer helmet must be worn by any driver or passengers. There are loaner helmets that are available to be used by participants that do not have their own helmet. 
  • Metal to metal seat belts for drivers and passengers must be worn at all times on the course.
  • ALL loose/non-permanent objects must be removed from car’s interior, glove box, and trunk for the vehicle to pass tech inspection. Please check under seats. Hubcaps must be removed.
  • OTEs (off track excursions) off the tarmac, striking the timer lights, or any other actions considered reckless will result in a mandatory meeting between the driver and the Event Chairperson before the driver is allowed back on course. The severity and cause of each incident will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Multiple serious OTE's cannot be tolerated and will result in disqualification for the remainder of the event. Complete destruction of a timer light generally results in a $150 fee for the responsible driver (our cost).


  • The number of timed runs per driver (usually 8) will be determined by the Event Chairperson based on the course design.
  • Passengers are NOT permitted, however a designated instructor can ride with an entrant, and entrants may ride with a designated instructor in order to assist with the entrant learning the course.
  • Time penalties:
  • 2 seconds per each cone knocked “down and out” of square. This includes any cones defining the grid area immediately after the finish but does not include directional cones. There is no maximum number of cone penalties per run.
  • A car is disqualified for a given run for a DNF (did not finish) if it leaves the course and does not re-enter the course at the same location where it left. All cars that DNF should continue to follow the course to the Finish line. DNFs will not be given a run time, however drivers may request feedback as to where the DNF occurred.


  • Cars are broken down into 2 categories, Street or Race, based on the tire compound. A tire with less than a tread wear rating of 141 or any non-DOT tire qualifies as a race tire.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 02:11:42 pm by Lrn2Go »

'91 Chevy Corvette - And the "Frankenstein" s13 is :spend: under construction!